What to Do if You Have Been Charged With Violating a DV No-Contact Order in Edmonds Municipal Court

By Edmonds Domestic Violence Attorney

If you have been charged with violation of a domestic violence no-contact order in Edmonds Municipal Court, or elsewhere in Washington State, it is important that you contact an Edmonds defense attorney quickly.

Domestic violence no-contact orders are issued in relation to criminal domestic violence charges. These orders prevent you from having any contact at all with the protected party, including direct contact, phone contact, electronic contact, and contact through third parties. Any allegation that you have violated the DV no-contact order will be taken very seriously. Not only will you be facing up to 364 days in jail, a $5000 fine, and the loss of your firearm rights, but if the original case is still pending, it can become more difficult to defend the original charges. In order to have the best defense possible, you should contact an experienced Edmonds DV no-contact order defense attorney immediately.

I have over a decade of experience as an Edmonds DV No-Contact Order Defense Attorney.Additionally, I spent seven years prosecuting these charges. I know how to look at your Edmonds DV No Contact Order Violation charge from both sides to come up with your best defense. As you can see from my client reviews, this unique experience has given me an edge that oftentimes leads to the successful resolution of my client's cases.

Contact me today for your free consultation. Edmonds DV No Contact Order Violation Defense Attorney Lance R. Fryrear is here to help.

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